Tuesday 11 March 2008

Latest Lives

1. Geoff threw his back out posing naked for a yoga calendar. 2. Marmaduke is a rabbit who is quite happy on a leash. 3. Cameron takes his binoculars to Regents Park and shoots birds with his potato gun. It's a different type of bird watching. 3 1/2. The bird doesn't flinch. She realises that from her position on the roof, the potato pellets will not reach her. She is equally amused. 4. Jo left her hat at Spamalot. Forced Entertainment. So much glitter, lost the plot. Recall only one line---"I will burst my pimples on you."5. And Cynthia is on the plane. (later) The airport bus jack knifed into a ditch as two trucks collided at the Belvedere turn off. Why do I remember Belvedere? Why do I like to forget that? 6. Valerie from Paris--her husband likes Klimt. She became an engineer to please her mother. She says never to build your life on your parents' wishes. 7. Joanna didn't become an engineer and her mother still reminds her. 8. Fuad worked in construction but preferred demolition.

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