Tuesday 26 April 2016

Personal Blogs Research USC

Out of the blue, I have been contacted by a researcher from University of Southern California. He has developed a computer robot that finds personal blogs and analyses them. It's interesting to know that whatever combination of words I have been using to express myself have been quantified and can be detected by his machine. I answered a survey asking me why I blogged and how I felt about putting forth my personal observations. Was I worried about who reads this? No. I think anyone who has the time or curiousity to delve into this is fine. I have been journaling in personal illustrated books since 1986. I like to record my life when I can. I have previously researched the letters of wives stationed abroad with their military or missionary husbands in the 1800's. I found that their letters were much more entertaining and absorbing than the dry reports that their partners left. It is a good record of the times with social nuances and attitudes candidly written. This, I found in the National Art Library of the Victoria and Albert Museum. 

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