Saturday, 4 December 2010

Bethlehem or Bust

There was a plane reflecting in the canal today.
Down in the water...a plane
Up in the sky.... a plane.
Bleeding down the runway
Bound for home
Bethlehem or Bust

I will be so glad to see my mother
It's a shame it costs so much to pop in for a cup of tea with her
Instead, we have exhausting holidays
Cramming all the cups of tea into one big teapot
The year is summarized into briefings on holidays and school reports
So the little things....
Luckily she knows those too
And then I come back to my cement box
with a few photos
over sized books
and a pair of blue suede gloves

Meanwhile...Mari and Ken tend to the algae in the pond, Mari has taken down her teepee, Ken has quit accounting at the sod farm, They are selling pies or something in the local market, Ron and Sue, the happy couple....are peru, in an old farm house in the wilderness swinging off the port on the porch...knot. final this time. The Becknells. Roger had his stomach tied in Las Vegas...the same surgeon as Ozzy Osbourns wife...then became miserably thin. irreversible. The girl next door has moved to Dixon. Gonna have to go a long way to bake cookies with her. I hope to see Becky Youngman in Champaign and have a pint at the Blind Pig. And I hope to see Running Grass one day, but probably not this trip. Goes without saying...always good to see John and Shilan.

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