Thursday, 19 June 2008

Wednesday: Greek Folk Music; part of someone's phd research into the history and performance practice of Greek Music...a bit dryer than sitting in a taverna with oives while the band plays... but interesting. Hellenic Centre in Marylebone. Afterwards...purple umbrellas pink inside with dangles on them, chandeliers and Hoegarden. Frocks and Cabbages Sunday market.
£45 a metre silk near Berwick street the yellow, dusty pink and brown stripe.
Lavenadar Paisley fabric next to nunnery near Hot Black Desiato apt that is always for rent.
Fading sign on the cement wall.
Concert tonight. Ravel, Brahms, some freinds of Grodon Nero has a cafe in the back onf St. James. Got my card stamped. Passed the rubber stamp shop on the way home.
Louis Pons...birds in shoes.
Anne Pigalle is playing at Glastonbury. She is not too thrilled about it. Hates crowds.
Suzanne Vega is sold out at the Pigalle Club in July.
Tea towel idea has caught on. I will present it tomorrow at school.
Birthday list is reaching twenty with mums and dads included.
Monique is in the US. Talked with her today.
Cowboy show is this weekend at Decima.
Ben needs a bath. He nearly lost his red fire engine cup today. Looked all over in the sand box and found it in the under fives bathroom. Thank God.
Cool little tiny tiny restaurant on Lexington street W1. Passed the Canton pub...not especially special. Just seemed special at the time.

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