Sunday, 7 October 2007

Lazare Collage

Four by five foot collage on canvas...
Lazare Lazarov is pictured in the upper left-hand corner.

St. Lazare, the patron of very long scarves
When he throws a party, don't do things by halves.
What time is it? Well now, in Lazarov's zone....
He wristwatch is stuck on the "ain't time to go."

He's been teaching English ---Bulgarian folk.
But what he gets ain't worth a poke.
He lives for The Classics. He'll tell you them all.
The Wildes and the Worthings---his library tall.

Unhappy with marks from the previous year,
A footballing student, set in reverse gear,
Lodged a complaint against Laz's profile
Based on his wardrobe. They hoped to defile.
They picked on his preference for his better half,
Demonstrated by wearing sunglasses and scarves.

I won't take advice from these colleagues of mine.
They actually think that I ought to resign.
A meeting was held with one hundred and forty.
For digging around...Oh, the battle was sporty.

Lazare was in danger of losing his license.
The parents--"This pervert."--They really were frightened.
But evidence finally seemed to suggest
That plainly, the students don't like taking tests.
Decided in minutes--Ministry of Education
The hammer came down in careful elation.

The nails in the ball of the football player.
"Out with a hiss!" said all the nay sayers.
Next time your diploma needs higher marks,
Try turning the light on--can't study in the dark.

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